I saw this is an article by Barb:
"Whether you're into collaging, sketching, painting, journaling, or something else, if you have your art supplies at the ready, you won't miss a creative opportunity, no matter where you are.
What perfect weather for sitting outside and sketching...doodling...journaling. This doesn't mean you'll want to create every time you're able to just sit, but I am here to encourage you to be prepared for the moment(s) when your Muse encourages you to make art. Whether you're sitting in your own backyard, on the beach while on vacation, or relaxing in some far-off exotic place, you can make art IF you're prepared." BarbThis is so true! Recently on a ride home from the beach I was able to draw and paint a poppy AJ page and to draw and paint the base layer of a She Art girl. Later at home I was able to finish her quickly. I had only a few supplies with me on the ride, but because I did, I was able to create art when the mood stuck.